I have always preached the benefits of a carry on bag over a checked bag, but the personal item that you pair with a carry on is just as important. The personal item gives you more packing space, more room for organization and will assist you on your trip.
The Tote Bag
I generally tend to travel with a tote bag as my personal item because I travel a lot for business. This allows me to organize all of my digital devices as well as travel with an additional purse option that I will use throughout my trip. If you’re traveling for business using a tote for your personal item is your best bet. It allows you to carry all of your documents and your devices to any meetings you might have on your trip while still looking chic.
The Duffel Bag
Duffel bags are great options if you need a little extra space for your trip. It’s easier to pack an extra pair of shoes or another outfit into a duffel bag versus a tote bag. If you need just a little extra room for packing then I’d suggest going for the duffel bag as your personal item. I know I have been there, when despite my packing rules, I know I will need a little extra room for the events of the trip. Duffels come in handy if you’re traveling and you haven’t had the opportunity to plan the itinerary or it was planned by someone else, or it is a surprise all together. In those instances, in can be hard to talk yourself out of those “what if” items. You'll have to carry that extra weight so be mindful of those extra items!
| I've had my eye on this one from Dagne Dover because I love a suitcase strap to make it easy in the airport.
The Backpack
Backpacks are well suited for those whose overall style is a bit more sporty-chic or for someone wishing to add a sporty element to their attire. When I travel with a backpack it’s to balance out the other sporty items in my suitcase. When I’m traveling with a suitcase full of athleisure looks, I will wear a thin hoodie and a blazer with sneakers to the airport, and my personal item will be a backpack. I also like a backpack for my personal item when my trip will be a lot of outdoor exploring, or I need a to be handsfree. If I’m going on a trip that will involve hiking, biking or a lot of walking, I will opt for a backpack.
I love all of these options for the right trip and the right reasons. What personal item do you like to travel with? Or are you a super light traveler and may not even need a personal item? If so, please share your secrets with me! I love to learn everyone’s packing tricks!
Pack less, wear more!